
Posts Tagged ‘tilburg’

Beginning of a Beautiful Life

This is what i name a beautiful life, when we visualized the dreams we have

No wrong or right when it comes from the heart, be thankful to God for what we’ve shared

Been a while since my last post, what 2 months? yes, i am that lazy and inconsistent hahahaha.

Well i got some reasons and issues that keeping me un-updated since i got a new chapter in my life and living a new life is never been easy right :). But it seems that i can’t keep it anymore not to write about anything (need or narcism? :p)

Believe it or not, sometimes if we dare to dream high and have a faith in it, the dream would actually becomes reality. I remember how i used to dream to pursue education as high as i could, no matter where it would take me to. “Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke ujung langit nak” that’s what my teachers used to say to me, again and again. And maybe that’s why studying aboard becomes one of my obsession (surely there’s still numbers and numbers of obsession on my list :grin:). Thus obsession becomes my dream, and i put a huge faith in it, and believe me, now i am living those dream :). Yes, currently i am in Tilburg to undertake my master degree which is planned until next year (hopefully i could make it in time), not necessarily the same with what i dreamed about since i always want to study in UK, London to be precise *well, since arsenal comes from london too, yess that’s exactly my basic reason :lol:*, but hey…london is not that far from here, it just one N away 😆 (maksudnya londo kalo g ngerti …krik krik krik XD)

There are sooo many things that i wanna share. About how i could get here (especially about the scholarship, yes i know i owe you this post, i’ll try to make it as soon as possible), about living in tilburg, the culture shock, how to adapt with new environment, studying aboard (hopefully wont cause a brain damage for me XD), and sort of things. But for now, i only want to tell you one thing:

that i already miss you all!!!

greeting from tilburg: already miss you all xx

PS. keep dreaming my friend, HE always listen 🙂

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